"Real Life" Encouragement in Ethiopia

Looking back on the 2 spiritual refreshment retreats in Ethiopia between Jan. 26 - Feb. 7, a number of the participants wanted to express their appreciation to those who prayed for & financial supported the retreats they attended. Here are some anonymous comments (lightly edited) that can help you gain a sense of how God answered your prayers for the retreats…

“Thank you for your invitation and we would like to thank God for giving such a vision to His children.  Experiencing soul-refreshment is very important--especially to those who are serving God in any kind of ministry. Please pass along our appreciation to your supporters as well.”

“Thank all of you for the burden you have for us as Christian leaders!!”

“We do not have words to express our gratitude for your love, kindness, care-giving & sacrificial service toward us for Christ's sake. You thoughtfully arranged such a 'honeymoon retreat' for us as pastors & wives in which we enjoyed all the best spiritual, physical, and emotional rest & nourishment. We are so grateful & thankful for you and those who prayerfully supported this retreat.”

“Brothers and sisters in Christ who are serving the Lord through this 'soul refreshment' ministry, Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ!!  God has worked through you and I just want to say may God bless you all. We want you to know we believe that your ministry is from above and God has given us real soul refreshment by giving us a chance to focus on how much Jesus loves us and how we can reflect this love to our brothers and sisters as Jesus has done for each one of us.  So I want to say thank you to all of you who have prayed for us and are partners of the BTS ministry. May God bless all of you."

“Thank you for Your encouragements. Please keep me and my family in your prayers!”

“I thank God for your ministry that you have done with all of your heart.  May God bless You and the families (of those who prayed for us).”

“I am grateful that my husband and I were invited to this amazing fellowship of Christ. The retreat was a transformative experience at a much needed time for our family. We enjoyed every second of it and we left encouraged, refilled and energized for our ministries.

Thank you for traveling all the way from the US to be with us. I feel a deeper connection to God. I genuinely feel that I am drawing closer to God, with the teachings from John 15 being the pinnacle of my two-day stay. I praise God for the grace He has put on you, and I pray and believe that you will reach as many lives as possible so that each soul draws closer to our God. I believe your biblical insights help Christians navigate their faith with greater clarity and understanding.  Keep spreading God’s love and making a difference in the world!!

“(God used this retreat) to perform necessary surgery on my soul.”

Participants formed smaller circles for deeper sharing and prayer for each other

The 2nd retreat group after dinner

Our meeting/retreat room for the 2nd retreat

A ‘reunion’ of some of the brothers & sisters from retreats held in 2022